This page has answers to common questions regarding Construction Contract Writer (for any state) handled by our support staff, along with some tips and tricks that we have found useful and presented here as questions:

How can I be sure my software and legal data are up to date?
I activated (purchased) Construction Contract Writer, but now I can no longer print, copy/paste or export. What can I do to get those features back?
How many computers or users does my Contract Writer software license agreement cover?

How can I be sure my software and legal data are up to date?

First, be sure you have the most up to date version of the Craftsman Software Update program by clicking here.

Once you have the latest version of the Craftsman Software Update program installed, checking for updates is easy:
Go to the Start Menu and select the All Programs option – then click on the Craftsman Software Update item on the menu.

I activated (purchased) Construction Contract Writer, but now I can no longer print, copy/paste or export. What can I do to get those features back?

You need to check for updates at least one time within 30 days of activating the Contract Writer program or your program will revert to a feature-limited trial version.
Checking for updates confirms to us that you are a customer and is only required one time to unlock your program for good.

Checking for updates is easy:
Go to the Start Menu and select the All Programs option — and click on the Craftsman Software Update item on the menu.

If you attempt to check for updates, your program should automatically unlock and work as expected.

How many computers or users does my Contract Writer software license agreement cover?

Each purchased copy (i.e. license) of the software product is intended for exclusive use by a single, primary user. The primary user may install the software product on two personal computers; however a license for the software product may not be shared between individuals.